Leave Management and Accruals

“Simplify leave management with our intuitive platform.”

Employees can easily request for leave, and managers can approve or deny requests through the system. Accruals are automatically tracked, ensuring accurate records of available leave balances.

Define and customize various leave types

To accommodate the diverse needs of your workforce, including sick leave, vacation, personal leave, maternity leave and more with customization with multiple leave scheme.

User-Friendly Dashboard

That provides a clear overview of leave balances, upcoming leave periods, and the status of leave requests.

Online Leave Requests

Empower employees to submit leave requests seamlessly through Mobile App or Web portal.

Automated Approval Workflows

Customized automated approval workflows based on your organizational hierarchy.

Leave Balances and Accruals

Automatically track and manage leave balances, taking into account accruals and deductions. This feature eliminates manual calculations, reducing errors and providing accurate real-time information.

Calendar Integration

• Integrate with calendar systems to provide a visual representation of employee leave schedules.
• Zone wise Multiple calendar can be setup as per client need.

Customizable Reports

Customizable Reports for Attendance, Leave, Payroll, Loan, Advance, Expenses, Taxes, clock-ins, clock-outs, breaks, and any exceptions or deviations from established policies and More

Mobile Accessibility

Welcome to our Mobile Accessibility features, allowing you to manage tasks, approvals, and employee self-service seamlessly from the mobile devices.

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Employees can navigate the self-service portal with ease, promoting widespread adoption and reducing the learning curve.
  2. Enhanced Transparency:
  3. Provide employees with transparent access to their attendance records, leave balances, and work schedules. This transparency fosters trust and accountability within the workforce.
  4. Time Savings: Reduce the administrative workload by allowing employees to manage routine tasks independently. This feature frees up HR and administrative resources, enabling them to focus on more strategic initiatives.
  5. Empowered Workforce: Empower employees to take control of their work-related tasks, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility. Self-service tools contribute to an empowered and engaged workforce.
  6. Improved Communication: Facilitate improved communication between employees and management through real-time notifications and alerts. This feature ensures that important information is communicated promptly and effectively.
  7. Notifications and Alerts: keep employees informed about the status of their leave requests, upcoming schedules, and any changes to their attendance records.
  8. Customizable Reports for Attendance, Leave, Payroll, Loan, Advance, Expenses, Taxes, clock-ins, clock-outs, breaks, and any exceptions or deviations from established policies and More

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